lunes, 26 de marzo de 2012



Traducido para Rebelión por Caty R.

En esta semana que termina, Mohamed Merah, que se declaró militante de al-Qaida, ha cometido varios asesinatos en Montauban y en Toulouse, hirió gravemente a un soldado martiniqués, actualmente en coma, y mató a tres militares magrebíes y a cuatro personas judías, de ellas tres niños. Cualesquiera que sean sus justificaciones, en particular en lo que respecta a los niños, condenamos firmemente ese acto y queremos expresar nuestras condolencias a las familias magrebíes, judías y antillanas que lloran a los suyos.

También sentimos cólera y amargura por el acto de ese joven que pretendía actuar por las causas palestina y afgana. Con su acto desvirtúa la finalidad de esas causas justas, confunde el mensaje y fortalece el campo al que pretende combatir. A un mes de las elecciones presidenciales, su locura asesina por una parte reaviva la campaña de Nicolás Sarkozy y la de Marina Le Pen y al mismo tiempo socava los esfuerzos del movimiento antirracista y antiimperialista en su lucha encarnizada por la justicia y la libertad.

Sin embargo, sería incoherente pensar que los delirios vengadores de Mohamed Merah vienen de la nada. La terrible violencia que acaba de manifestar se alimenta desde hace años de las guerras mortíferas que libran las grandes potencias en Afganistán, Irak y otros lugares, con el apoyo del Estado de Israel. ¿Cómo se puede no haber previsto que algún día todo eso llevaría a acciones violentas de las que los judíos franceses, constantemente identificados por la propaganda israelí del sionismo, serían el objetivo? Sin embargo es ese vínculo el que hay que romper para impedir la confusión entre Israel y los judíos. Y ahí es donde reside el honor del movimiento antisionista: trabajar por la liberación de los palestinos, pero también por la de los judíos.

¿Cómo se podía ignorar que la creciente islamofobia que se expresa ad nauseam y que ha llegado a convertirse este año en uno de los principales argumentos electorales, acabaría incitando a algunos partidarios de grupúsculos violentos a pasar a la acción? Ese trasfondo ideológico-político no se puede ignorar. Ya se pretende instrumentalizar este crimen, ya se ha retomado la confusión, como lo ha hecho de forma escandalosa el CRIF (Consejo Representativo de las Instituciones Judías de Francia, N. de T.) que tras la revelación de la identidad del asesino renunció a la marcha que se iba a organizar con las organizaciones musulmanas. ¡No se manifiestan con los culpables! Esa es una actitud vergonzosa frente a las víctimas, además de irresponsable y peligrosa.

La justa conmoción que ha provocado esta tragedia en ningún caso puede convertirse en rehén de intereses de los políticos o de los lobbies. Al contrario, debería ser una oportunidad para que la sociedad francesa medite colectivamente sobre los estragos de ciertas opciones políticas nacionales e internacionales contrarias al bien común. Anders Behring Breivik y Mohamed Merah no son accidentes en tierras europeas. Son la expresión del increíble desorden generado por el sistema imperialista y racista. Ambos son a la vez consecuencias y síntomas. En ese sentido, Breivik y Merah son claramente productos europeos.


2 comentarios:


    Since energy usage has become the equivalent of harlotry, murder& adultery, energy users are being threatened with the lake of fire by Adam, Eve & the Lord Jesus Christ. I am now married to Anders Behring Breivik 09/20/2011 by the Lord Jesus Christ. I already have children, grandchildren & great grandchildren. Thank you for reading.

    GOD IS NOT WILLING THAT ANY SHOULD PERISH, BUT THAT ALL MIGHT BELIEVE ON HIS NAME-JESUS. Repent & be baptized! Jesus said, “I am God there is none besides me." "I am the Way, the Truth & the Life. No man comes to the Father except by me." "For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son that whosoever believes in Him should not perish, but have everlasting life." "For the wages of sin is death, but the gift of God is eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord." "As many as received Him to them He gave the power to become the sons of God the Father even to those who believe on His name." Jesus' healing ministry began with adult baptism.

    Jesus says, “If we confess our sins He is faithful & just to forgive us our sins & to cleanse us from all unrighteousness.” Blessed are those whose sins are covered to whom the arm of the Lord has been revealed.

    Sincerely through Lord Jesus Christ, Allison Grace Karalus

  2. A New Agenda: We the people need no gas & no electric to have a man child with the spouses of our youth around the world. We shall build homes without electric, without gas, without roofs that exceed 7 & 1/2 feet, & with incinerators to burn garbage, burn dung, burn urine, & burn blood rags so that the entire sisterhood has a man child with the husbands of their youth.

    TAKE MY CONFESSION WITH YOU. I have smoked cigars for 11 years & have no lungs, liver & kidneys at 45 years old. I continue to live through the Lord Jesus Christ as I received the Holy Spirit at 4 years old & was baptized as an adult in 1997. I continue to read my Bible& now use burned dung, urine, blood rags& tobacco butts to make meat offerings to eat. The Old Testament says that burned dung, urine, & blood rags were a part of the laws of Moses. Yes, it was in 2001 while I was driving to Florida that I was talking to the saints in heaven& Isaiah said, "You know that 70 years from now the sun will be dimmed in the sky" Oh, I said, “I don’t know.” I went back over the Old Testament& it said, “The sun shall be dimmed in the sky” & "I shall make them eat the grass of the field.” & “all these things shall come to pass” before theLord Jesus Christ returns.

    5 years ago I was stamping my feet at work over the excessive electric usage & complaining that I didn’t have a husband & children to God the Father. I prayed, kneeling at my bed as to adopting children. Then while I was at work I adopted over 500 children in Swahili (I was born with a spot-was a reject in Hebrew) to find out what day it was. I had been taught prophesy at Wheaton Evangelical Free Churchin 1979 & 1980. We went back & forth in time while Governor Blagovich was verifying. We came up with 17 years of darkened sun before July 29, 2081.

    July 29, 2081-the rapture of believers in Christ Jesus-all those who received the Holy Spirit-at the trumpet sound in heaven-1st the dead & then the living ascended to heaven in a twinkling of an eye

    July 29, 2081-2088-the Great Tribulation-God’s wrath is poured out on the earth, Judgment of the Believers in Christ Jesus & the Marriage Supper of the Lamb in heaven

    2088-3057-the Reign of Christ Jesus-(the Bible stated “1000 years” & in actuality it was 969 years)

    3057-3059-the Devil is loosed out of the pit –(the Bible stated “a time & a half” & in actuality it was 1 & three fourths years)-the battle of Armageddon-the nations are drawn together for the last battle in the Valley of Megiddo-the Lord Jesus comes down of a white horse with the words, “King of Kings, Lord of Lords” written on His thigh & a sword comes out of His mouth to destroy all who are in the battle. The bible says that the blood runs a “horses’ bridle high” & birds feed on the bodies.

    3059-the old heavens& the old earth pass away & the new heavens & new earth are created by the Lord Jesus Christ-at this point in time the Lord Jesus says,“Depart from me I never knew you.” to all who died in the battle of Armageddon, to those who took the mark of the beast in their right hand or forehead during the tribulation, to all who died during our time without receiving the Holy Spirit, & to all those who died during the flood of Noah’s day in wickedness. Jesus says, “In this world you shall have trouble, but I have overcome the world.”
    Sincerely through Lord Jesus Christ, Allison Grace Karalus
